
Showing posts from April, 2023


   Comets and meteors! All the shooting stars are so philosophical and romantic, we pray every time they fall. In the hope, may our wishes come true in life. | Fire from the sky | In earlier days, people feared meteorites for centuries. Some saw them as fiery dragons, others as weapons sent by some angry gods. But now we are way smarter than those people right? Let's take a tour of the understanding of these objects closely. In between the planets, space isn’t empty. there is gas, dust, rocks called asteroids, and even comets- which can be thought of as a small snowball. Some comets are so small you wouldn't see them. But some are even the size of an island. | Meteor | When pieces of comet burn up in the earth's atmosphere, they produce meteor showers, and bright shooting stars race across the night sky, as in this picture of Leonid meteors.  They are known as shooting stars too. This phenomenon takes place about 90km above the planet's surface. | Meteorites | If this m