
Showing posts with the label Carina nebula. JWST images


                         What are these JWST images going viral around?  Why are those particular for humanity? Well, this blog is going to be different. I would add all the information I have and make a small and sweet collection of new facts, so everyone can quickly go through this.  There are 5 images released by NASA that were captured by the JWST. FIRST IMAGE HERE WE GO                                          These took my heart at the moment I saw them. This is CARINA NEBULA. We can see some beautiful stars shining among a lot of gases.  WHAT IS A NEBULA?  A nebula or nebulae is a cluster of gas spreading in a random pattern in space around a star . WHEN IS IT FORMED?  A nebula is formed when a star is dying or when a star is taking birth. WHAT ARE THE Colors IN THE IMAGE TELL US?  The colors tell us the composition of matter. To make it simple every gas has different colors, hydrogen, oxygen, helium, and nitrogen they all have different clouds. Like sulfur is RED, hydrogen i