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  What would happen to your body when exposed into  the space???      You decided to take walk outside your spaceship and went without your spacesuit, imagine what would consequently happen to you? Option A: your blood will boil? Option B: your body would burst into pieces? Option 3: you will freeze into ice? Option 4:you would get burnt? Okay! Did you lock your answer? Let's dive into the scientific reasons behind this. First thing you are not surrounded by oxygen anymore. And hence your lungs will run out of air storage. In this case, if you tried to hold your breath just like we do in water, your lungs will explode due to the absence of outside atmospheric, just like a balloon. So letting your breath out would be a good idea to survive for a few more minutes. Your brain will turn off in 10 to 15 seconds due to lack of oxygen and will make you unconscious. Now you have only 30 seconds to 2minutes to wake up again if you get an external oxygen supply between this ti