What would happen to your body when exposed into the space???



You decided to take walk outside your spaceship and went without your spacesuit, imagine what would consequently happen to you?

Option A: your blood will boil?

Option B: your body would burst into pieces?

Option 3: you will freeze into ice?

Option 4:you would get burnt?

Okay! Did you lock your answer? Let's dive into the scientific reasons behind this. First thing you are not surrounded by oxygen anymore. And hence your lungs will run out of air storage. In this case, if you tried to hold your breath just like we do in water, your lungs will explode due to the absence of outside atmospheric, just like a balloon. So letting your breath out would be a good idea to survive for a few more minutes.

Your brain will turn off in 10 to 15 seconds due to lack of oxygen and will make you unconscious. Now you have only 30 seconds to 2minutes to wake up again if you get an external oxygen supply between this time. This will make your lungs filled with oxygen and you can live your remaining life.

Secondly, you cannot explode due to the exposure of the space atmospheric conditions, because in a vacuum heat doesn’t transmit from one place to another just like sound cant travel in space. So no outside pressure will act on the body this let our organs spread out more and more so we think that we would explode but human skin is elastic enough to stretch and keep us safe from exploding, but your whole body will start swelling and would turn into a fat person. the tears in your eyes will start to boil due to the absence of pressure. Not exactly boil like water but would turn into evaporation process.

And if you are exposed to space without your so-called SPF SUNSCREEN CREAM then you would of course get tanned. Well actually burnt, sunscreen won't work here. This will give you severe sunburn if you are closer to the star.

On the other hand, if you are far enough from the sun, don’t think you are safe there, Nah! There you would freeze into ice and die even more quickly.


Lastly because of the absence of oxygen, no one can save you from ultraviolet rays that are coming from the sun if you are in the exposure to the sun. this will burn your skin and turn it into scales. You would also get bombarded by huge cosmic radiation that is always present in space, but on earth, due to earth's magnetic field we are safer from this radiation, hence if you are far away from the magnetic field you will get affected by this radiation too.


Space is -270 degrees Celsius in temperature, but it will take time to freeze your body as your body heat will keep you warm for a little amount of time because in a vacuum heat cannot travel.

Ufff! It's been much time we are out of the spaceship, we are on the verge to die. Now, if you have been dead, your body won't decompose like it does on earth, because bacteria will itself die due to the unfavorable temperatures. As soon as you die your body will start losing its heat, once you run out of heat, your body will freeze like an ice candy and would break into pieces if you died away from a star in a cold place.

This seems quite a dramatic right! But the cosmos itself is dramatic. What did you think about strange deaths in space, let me know in the comment section below what strange things you read before about death in space!  Until then keep reading keep exploring!




Anonymous said…
Wow Gauri!! ❤️����
Unknown said…
Every time i read your blogs something new adds into my knowledge.
Keep going girl ur gonna shine bright!!❤️❤️
Anonymous said…
Amazing layout and we'll researched... Keep it up
Anonymous said…
Very interesting topic to brainstorm.
Wow, literally imagined and travelled in space while reading this one...👍
Unknown said…
Nice information and keep it up good job 👍👍👍👍👍
Unknown said…
Very interesting one, keep going
Unknown said…
Hi. Again an amazing article. You seem searching and researching for practically out of the world topics. Do keep up your enthusiasm.

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