What if you got a ticket to travel in space?

Why should we go to space? What is the justification for spending money and efforts just for getting few lumps of moon rock? Aren’t there better causes here on the earth?

The obvious answer is, not leaving the planet earth would be just like wandering on a desert island, not trying to escape. I think each human is unique, of course genetically but with skills too. On earth, we have enough doctors, architectures, software engineers businessmen and of course the colossal amount of population struggling on earth. But do I have to join them in the same race? Or I can do something interplanetary! Other than the stuff humans do on the earth. So I decided to change my motive and think beyond our gravitational pull.


Not exploring our solar system would be like the situation in Europe before 1492. Not letting Columbus go on a wild chase. Yet the new world found then, made a lot of difference today. Just think we wouldn’t have had McDonald’s or KFC today. But while spreading out in space, it will have an even greater effect.

It won’t solve any of our immediate problems on earth but it will give us a new perspective on them and cause us to look outwards rather than inwards.


After all, the human race is not going to have a future, if we don’t go into space and compete with aliens:(living beings existing on another planet other than earth). Aliens are not someone shown in science fiction movies but are a lot in the scientific world. Talking about aliens is a vast topic to discuss I will surely talk about it in coming blogs too.


Coming back to Humans, they are made up of stardust. The star of our solar system that is, our sun, that was formed by the explosion, billions of years ago. That left the dust all around the space. From which the celestial bodies came into existence. And so do we. Excitingly the atoms in your left hand come from a different star than the atoms in your right hand. See universe is itself within us, just waiting for us to explore beyond and keep unlocking those mysteries till finding our connection with the universe.


Comment your most awaited place in the universe you want to visit, let’s have a tour into space.


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