What exactly is dark matter? 

Our universe is made up of galaxies,stars, gases,planets, rocks, black holes, nebulae and many more celestial objects.

And as we discussed earlier in the  BIG BANG BLOG that our universe is expanding each day at a very high speed. This expansion has been started since our universe was born and it still goes on expanding in the dark empty space.

In 1933, Fritz Zwick coined the term ‘dark matter’. When scientists wrote a mathematical equation about the universe, they found something that is still not known to humans, but most of the part is occupied by it. This entity was totally unknown but it was an important part of the universe to expand.(mathematically).

In simple words, just consider A +B=C.

Consider we know the value of a and c. but we don’t know what B is exactly. But if we remove B from the equation like this,


 then this won't make sense when the values are different. There must be something B to the equation to complete the equation, but it's unknown.

In the same way, but in bigger and more complicated equations, there is some mass that is unknown and unseen to us but it should be present in the universe.

Scientists say the presence of DARK MATTER is true, on the basis of the theoretical calculations they have made. There’s something mysterious in the DARK.


Among the stars and galaxies there is some matter that cannot be seen but it holds and expands the universe. This matter is present everywhere in the universe and it's called dark matter. We can feel or interact with it only through the gravitational pull.

We can only see 5% of the visible universe. Of the rest 27% is dark matter and 68% is dark energy.

What are these components? How do they work? And from where do they come from?

This falls to the thought that everything we experience today is just some fraction of parts from this entire bulk of the universe and this invisible matter.

The point is why do we need dark matter to hold our galaxies together when we have gravitational energy?. But the gravitational energy is not enough to make the complex structures in space and to keep it expanding, if it would have worked only with gravity, then our entire universe have collapsed into nothing. Dark matter emits particles that we could detect.

We still don’t have enough to say about dark energy but we can surely tell it exists. But we know it indirectly. I won't go into deep conceptual astrophysical equations but we got an idea that there is a lot to explore out there, we have just gone 5%  away.

Scientists have concluded the following points about dark matter:

1. Empty space is nothing but has its own energy. It can still produce more space and is always active.

2. We still cannot detect or catch a pinch of dark matter yet.

Maybe we are just on a fragile island in space wandering or expanding away and away.


Let me know in the comment section below about your thoughts on this dark topic!



Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Great Work As Always Girl .......After a long time but with a banger 🔥✨ Excellency 💯
Anonymous said…
Very good
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Great 👍
Anonymous said…
Informative and well-written!
Anonymous said…
Badhiya hai, very interesting, informative blog

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