
Showing posts from 2023


ALL YOU GOTTA KNOW ABOUT CHANDRAYAAN-3 MISSION! After the unfortunate Chandrayaan-2 mission, ISRO is now ready to go off for another mission to the moon. India’s first mission to the moon was in 2008 called ‘Chandrayaan-1’. Among the countries including the Soviet Union, the United States, Japan, the European Space Agency, China, Luxembourg, Israel, Italy, South Korea, and the United Arab Emirates, INDIA is also one of them competing in the race. Chandrayaan 2 was launched on 22 July 2019. After it, this is the year.  Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan-2 to perform end-to-end capability in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface.  It consists of Lander and Rover. well, It will be launched by LVM3 from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota .  LANDER AND A ROVER OF CHANDRAYAAN-3 MISSION The propulsion module will carry the lander and rover configuration till the 100 km lunar orbit. The propulsion module also has a ‘Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth (SHAPE)’ payload tha


   Comets and meteors! All the shooting stars are so philosophical and romantic, we pray every time they fall. In the hope, may our wishes come true in life. | Fire from the sky | In earlier days, people feared meteorites for centuries. Some saw them as fiery dragons, others as weapons sent by some angry gods. But now we are way smarter than those people right? Let's take a tour of the understanding of these objects closely. In between the planets, space isn’t empty. there is gas, dust, rocks called asteroids, and even comets- which can be thought of as a small snowball. Some comets are so small you wouldn't see them. But some are even the size of an island. | Meteor | When pieces of comet burn up in the earth's atmosphere, they produce meteor showers, and bright shooting stars race across the night sky, as in this picture of Leonid meteors.  They are known as shooting stars too. This phenomenon takes place about 90km above the planet's surface. | Meteorites | If this m


 A part of Sun🌞Broke Off!!! You must have recently heard that a part of Sun Broke Off. Astronomers saw a huge plasma filament erupt from the Sun, surprisingly pulling itself apart. And after getting detached, it furiously rotated till it reached the star's North pole, creating a terrifying vortex, just like a gigantic tornado. But how is it possible for a solar chunk to break apart??  What's the physics behind this intriguing event??  Does it mean a solar tsunami is on the way to hit our planet???  There are some critical questions and to answer them let's look at what happens in the Sun🌞. If you have my AURORA'S Blog you would understand the context of this topic more efficiently, here is the link..... HOW ARE AURORAS FORMED? Every eleven years, the sun's activity undergoes dramatic changes due to magnetic field reversal. The magnetic poles flip their position, meaning the north becomes south, and the south becomes north. This period of eleven years is known as


  What exactly is dark matter?  Our universe is made up of galaxies,stars, gases,planets, rocks, black holes, nebulae and many more celestial objects. And as we discussed earlier in the   BIG BANG BLOG  that our universe is expanding each day at a very high speed. This expansion has been started since our universe was born and it still goes on expanding in the dark empty space. In 1933, Fritz Zwick coined the term ‘dark matter’. When scientists wrote a mathematical equation about the universe, they found something that is still not known to humans, but most of the part is occupied by it. This entity was totally unknown but it was an important part of the universe to expand.(mathematically). In simple words, just consider A +B=C. Consider we know the value of a and c. but we don’t know what B is exactly. But if we remove B from the equation like this, A=C  then this won't make sense when the values are different. There must be something B to the equation to complete the e