Is there other intelligent life in the universe?

What if there is an alien sitting next to you, peeping in your phone and apparently smiling and waving at you? What would be your reaction? Well, some people might feel it horrifying but, I don’t. Jumping into the actual meaning of the term ‘ALIENS’ you would feel the same. ‘Any extraterrestrial living organism existing in the universe except Earth are called aliens’ as per the humans.


Well what we see in the films and video games, picturing ALIENS having 3 heads or 1 eye or exceptionally dwarf or gigantic or without skin and we can see veins going through it or some with superpowers, whatever, they are just fictional piece of work, by HUMANS.


We still don’t know how would they look like? But I would try to explain some terms that would help us to be prepared for this instance.

When we define LIFE, we can say that, ‘life is an ordered system that keep itself going in spite of surviving challenges and can reproduce itself’. A living being like you and me and my cactus beside me usually has two elements:

a) A set of instructions that tell the systems how to keep going and reproduce themselves.

b) A mechanism to carry out instructions.

In biology, these two elements are called ‘GENES’ and ‘METABOLISM’.


Now slightly moving forward, the “COMPUTER VIRUSES” is a program that will make copies of itself in the memory of the computer, and will transfer itself to other computers.

Thus it fits the definition I have mentioned above. This opens the door for artificial intelligence to exist as a dominant creature too, just like humans.


Here on earth living beings(life) have ’CARBON’ as it's basic element. Like humans, plants, animals, your cell phone or laptop on which you are reading my blog, are all made up of carbon stuff. But we can also speculate that one might have a life with other ‘elements’ or with some other ‘chemical basis’. Because there was no carbon when the universe began in the BIG BANG, about 13.8 billion years ago. It was so hot that matter would have existed in protons and neutrons. And after a colossal period of time hydrogen and helium was formed.


Hence, there might be intelligent life made up of ‘X-rays’, ‘Gamma-rays’ or other radioactive waves and not carbon-based like us, while in such case they are not visible to human eyes. And so an ‘ALIEN’ sitting next to you is just invisible to you. They may don’t communicate like us. They might be good at technological stuff than us.

While concluding, ‘ALIENS’ is a vast topic to debate about and to keep researching about it. But believing that ALIENS do not exist at all, would be like believing that French fries can only be the snack made out of a ‘potato’ while we can make potato wedges too.



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Anonymous said…
Jenil here, reading this blog raised a few questions in my mind too and to answer tye question you asked "What would I do if i find a alien next to me" well answering this question is very difficult as no one knows what an alien des or how does it communicate. Since communication will be a difficult thing to do the least i could do is try to make the situation for the alien and myself as safe as possible afterall who would want an intergalactic war to happen lol....

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